
AfroCubism + Jali Njonkoling Kuyateh

AfroCubism + Jali Njonkoling Kuyateh
AfroCubism live at The Bridgewater Hall

AfroCubism live at The Bridgewater Hall
Sun 3rd June 2012, 7.30pm
£24.50 - £29.50

The internationally-acclaimed new project from the makers of Buena Vista Social Club. The best of Cuban and Malian musicians combine to form a supergroup for a thrilling, unmissable night at Manchester's Bridgewater Hall.

AfroCubism was the original idea for Buena Vista Social Club. The original plan conceived in 1996 was to bring the foremost Cuban musicians and their Malian counterparts together to record in Havana and explore their shared musical history. As it turned out, the Malians couldn't make it to Cuba so an exclusively Cuban album was recorded instead, and thus began the legend that became the multi-million selling Buena Vista Social Club.

Jali Njonkoling Kuyateh

Born into a family of traditional oral historians or Griots in The Gambia, Jali Nyonkoling Kuyateh is the hereditary master of the African harp or Kora, an instrument built from a large calabash cut in half and covered with cow skin to make a resonator with a notched bridge like a lute or guitar. Jali has released a CD called “Kora Kora”. He has recently been featured on the international BBC children’s programme, Zingzillas.

Buy now From Band On The Wall box office

Image of Jali Nyonkoling Kuyateh courtesy of Premasagar Rose


Martin Barlow, curator of the exhibition Moving Into Space at the National Football Museum talks about the exhibition.

Barthélémy Toguo, Lucy Azubuike and Nnenna Okore, three of the exhibited artists, talk about their work and their interest in using materials which reflect the lifestyle and experience of the people of West Africa.

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