Creative Tourist's Cultural Summer

Creative Tourist's Cultural Summer

We Face Forward takes place in venues right across Manchester; luckily, this being a walkable sort of city, it’s easy enough to get from one place to another. If you’re less familiar with either the venues or the city, though, read on for advice on visiting and travelling to, from and around Manchester.

New to Manchester? If you’re after tourist and travel information, try Visit Manchester for information on the city’s hotels, shops, bars and most things in between, as well as special deals on staying and shopping in Manchester.
Want to get under the skin of Manchester’s culture? Try Creative Tourist, Manchester’s art and travel magazine; it helpfully rounds up the best of what’s on during We Face Forward. You could also try their Spotter’s Guide to West Africa, or their history of Manchester for a bit of background knowledge.

Already in Manchester? Go to the Visitor Information Centre at Piccadilly Plaza, Portland Street, Manchester M1 4BT (open Mon-Sat 9.30am-5.30pm, Sun & Bank Hols. 10.30am-4.30pm). Stuffed with interactive, touch-screen panels, live Twitter feeds and friendly staff, this is a good place to start your visit to the city. You can also email the centre via or call 0871 222 8223.

After travel information? Try the GMPTE travel site for information on local buses and trams, or read these travel tips and advice on getting to Manchester.


Martin Barlow, curator of the exhibition Moving Into Space at the National Football Museum talks about the exhibition.

Barthélémy Toguo, Lucy Azubuike and Nnenna Okore, three of the exhibited artists, talk about their work and their interest in using materials which reflect the lifestyle and experience of the people of West Africa.

Twitter (#wefaceforward)


Street life, dazzling dress, social commentary and a riot of sensuous colour interweave in a rich assembly of West African art, writes Charles Gore in the Times Higher Education

Nine countries show off their talent as five city venues link up for a summer celebration. Helen Nugent in the Guardian